Results for 'Maria Manuel Lisboa'

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  1. Nietzsche e a Literatura.Maria Helena Lisboa da Cunha - 1995 - Princípios 2 (2):108-119.
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    Nietzsche.Maria Helena Lisboa da Cunha - 2007 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 12:3-6.
    La metaphysique-dogmatique pose des structures essentielles, des valeurs absolues qui existent "en soi et pour soi", et qui surpassent l'homme, tout en s'appuyant sur la dichotomie des valeurs. Nietzsche, au contraire, se tient dans rimmanence et pour cela il s'appuie sur le concept de Volonte de puissance. Autrement dit, i l se rattache ä des penseurs comme Heraclite d'Ephese, dans sa tentative de reintegrer l'homme dans le tout /nature iphusis) duquel i l est sorti. Et pourtant, cette realite, due au (...)
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    A Física e os novos desafios filosóficos e culturais do nosso tempo.Maria Manuel Araujo Jorge - 1998 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 54 (3/4):535 - 553.
    Numa época em que as transformações económicas, políticas e sociais têm vindo a criar à física (e às ciências em geral) um novo contexto de investigação, procuro dar conta do modo como estes novos desafios, que se estendem ao domínio filosófico e cultural, estão a ser encarados pelos cientistas. Num momento em que a "ciência de investigação" ("académica", "normal") sofre uma retracção face à expansão duma ciência "pós-normal", "pós-académica", e em que, ao lado da clivagem entre as "duas" culturas (científica (...)
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    O Brotar da Criação: dificuldades epistemológicas dum "olhar dinâmico pela ciência, a filosofia e a teologia".María Manuel Araujo Jorge - 1998 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 54 (1):35 - 50.
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    O Cientista e o Filósofo: Aspectos da Relação nos Finais do Século XX.Maria Manuel Araújo Jorge - 2007 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 63 (1/3):49 - 65.
    O presente artigo pretende dar conta de alguns dos aspectos mais salientes da questão relativa à pertinência da Filosofia (especialmente na qualidade de Filosofia da Ciência) para a prática científica dos cientistas. Nesse sentido, a autora recorre sobretudo a exemplos vigentes nos finais do século xx, dando especial relevância a manifestações de "impaciência" por parte de alguns investigadores em relação a algumas críticas epistemológicas e éticas dos filósofos, sobretudo no que se refere à famosa controvérsia da "guerra das ciências" e (...)
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    Ce que Ferdinand Gonseth a ?important á dire à l'épistémologie contemporaine.Maria Manuel Araújo Jorge - 1990 - Dialectica 44 (3‐4):295-311.
    RésuméĽauteur commence par un bref diagnostic des tendances les plus notoires de ľépistémologie contemporaine, qui trouve dans ľopérationnalisme fonctionnaliste une ≫reponse≪ au paradoxe ?une connaissance construite par transformation de ľobjet et elle relève les indications ≫thérapeutiques≪ qui se trouvent déja dans ľépistémologie de Gonseth, selon lesquelles il sera possible de réintégrer ľidée ?objectivité et de vérité dans la connaissance. En trois aspects: dans le domaine de la méthodologie épistémologique – elle montre que Gonseth s'est aperçu de la valeur propédeutique ?une (...)
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    Política Nacional de Ciência Aberta em Portugal: recomendações do grupo de trabalho sobre Avaliação da ciência.Lígia Ribeiro, Maria Manuel Borges & Diana Silva - 2021 - Arbor 197 (799):a591.
    El 24 de marzo de 2016, por medio de la Resolución del Consejo de Ministros n. 21/2016, el Gobierno de Portugal, a través del Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Educación Superior, anunció el compromiso de la ciencia con los principios y prácticas de Ciencia abierta. La misma resolución obligó al MCTES a crear un Grupo de Trabajo Interministerial con la misión de presentar una propuesta de Plan Estratégico para la implementación de una Política Nacional de Ciencia Abierta. El grupo de (...)
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    Goulven Madec, Saint Augustin et la philosophie. Notes critiques.Maria Manuel Brito Martins - 1998 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 96 (1):139-143.
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    Educational Background, Modes of Discourse and Argumentation: Comparing Women and Men. [REVIEW]M. Jesús Cala Carrillo & Manuel L. De La Mata Benítez Maria - 2004 - Argumentation 18 (4):403-426.
    This paper analyses the way in which discourse and argumentation may vary depending on participants’ educational level and gender. Men and women from three different educational levels (literacy, advanced level and university students) participated in discussion groups that debated about women and work, the sharing of housework and the way in which girls and boys are educated. The results showed important differences depending on participants’ educational level and gender. In general, the main differences were related to educational level, while gender (...)
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    Special Sciences and the Unity of Sciences.Olga Pombo -Universidade Lisboa, Juan Manuel Torres, John Symons & Shahid Rahman (eds.) - 2012 - Springer.
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    Movimiento social, nuevas formas de hacer política y enclaves autoritarios. Los debates del Consejo Asesor para la Educación en el gobierno de Michelle Bachelet en Chile.Manuel Antonio Garretón, María Angélica Cruz, Félix Aguirre, Naim Bro, Elías Farías, Pierina Ferreti & Tamara Ramos - 2011 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 30.
    A partir de una investigación sobre los Consejos Asesores Presidenciales en el Gobierno de Michelle Bachelet, se desarrolla un marco teórico sobre movimientos sociales y las llamadas formas subpolíticas, que permite ver cómo el movimiento estudiantil secundario de 2006 desafió el enclave educacional y el tipo de respuesta que un gobierno que buscaba un sello ciudadano, dio a través de la formación de un Consejo Asesor con participación de diversos sectores. El análisis de los debates en el seno de ese (...)
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    Efectos en voz por uso de mascarillas y lesiones músculo-esqueléticas en docentes.María Soledad Sandoval Zúñiga, Rodrigo Fuenzalida Cabezas, Manuel Sandoval Contreras, Mirna Opazo Salgado & Yocelyn González Muñoz - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (5):1-11.
    El uso prolongado de la voz es un factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de patologías vocales en docentes. Actualmente, estos profesionales se ven obligados a usar mascarilla para dictar sus clases, lo que puede resultar en alteraciones vocales. Durante la virtualización de las clases los docentes debieron adaptar algún espacio doméstico para desempeñar sus funciones frente a un computador, disminuyendo la actividad física y fomentando un estilo de vida sedentario, lo que pudo ocasionar algún trastorno músculo-esquelético. Con este panorama, (...)
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  13. Retoric and perspectivism.Manuel Maria Carrilho - 1996 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 50 (196):359-372.
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    Naturaleza pastoral de la teología como quehacer. Lo pastoral como referente genético del quehacer teológico.Manuel María Roldán Roses - 2023 - Isidorianum 13 (26):425-466.
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  15. El Catastro en el marco del nuevo Estatuto de Autonomía de Andalucía.María Dolores Chica Palomo & Manuel G. Alcázar Molina - 2008 - Aletheia: Cuadernos Críticos Del Derecho 2:1-19.
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  16. Problématicité, rationalité et interrogativité in Le Questionnement.Manuel Maria Carrilho - 1990 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 44 (174):309-328.
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  17. Aventuras da interpretação.Manuel Maria Carrilho - 1995 - Lisboa: Editorial Presença.
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    Devenir otras. Alternativas sensibles contra la violencia en la literatura escrita por mujeres en México.María Isabel Cabrera Manuel - 2024 - Valenciana 33:279-307.
    Ante los hechos violentos que la población y en particular las mujeres padecen como grupo en México, este trabajo busca sumar al ejercicio crítico de pensar las violencias simbólicas y fácticas, mostrar sus formas de reconocimiento y el trabajo discursivo que apuesta por la vida de las mujeres y la población vulnerable no sólo desde el dolor y la rabia, sino también desde la apuesta por la supervivencia, por las estrategias que permitirían sustraerse al peso avasallador de sus formas, para (...)
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    O saber e o método.Manuel Maria Carrilho - 1982 - [Lisbon, Portugal]: Impr. Nacional-Casa da Moeda.
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    Reseña de las XI Jornadas de Comunicación de Investigación en Filosofía.Manuel Berrón, María Guadalupe Mattini & María Sol Yuan - 2011 - Tópicos 22:277-279.
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    (1 other version)Exploring the Co-occurrence of Manual Verbs and Actions in Early Mother-Child Communication.María José Rodrigo, Mercedes Muñetón-Ayala & Manuel de Vega - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The embodiment approach has shown that motor neural networks are involved in the processing of action verbs. There is developmental evidence that embodied effects on verb processing are already present in early years. Yet, the ontogenetic origin of this motor reuse in action verbs remains unknown. This longitudinal study investigates the co-occurrence of manual verbs and actions during mother-child daily routines when children were 1 to 2 and 2 to 3 years old. Eight mother-child dyads were video-recorded in 3-month intervals (...)
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  22. Presentation-argumentation, a new paradigm.Manuel-Maria Carrilho - 1996 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 50 (196):235-241.
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    Razão e transmissão da filosofia.Manuel Maria Carrilho - 1987 - [Lisbon]: Impr. Nacional-Casa da Moeda.
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    Democracy – or a short history of powerlessness.Manuel Arriaga & Manuel Maria Carrilho - 2017 - Human Affairs 27 (1):82-96.
    Our democracies presently face a set of unique challenges. In this article we argue that the current crisis needs to be understood as resulting from the convergence of two historical transformations: the paradigm of boundlessness; and what we term “endividualismo”, a novel mutation of individualism in the context of the financial age. The result is a novel political reality where individual rights are ever-expanding and the opportunities for collective action have shrunk to the point of impossibility. The resulting powerlessness of (...)
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  25. OP,«Valor histórico de la Destrucción de las Indias».Manuel María Martínez - forthcoming - Ciencia Tomista.
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    Aventuras da interpretação.Manuel Maria Carrilho - 1995 - Lisboa: Editorial Presença.
    Em 'Aventuras da Interpretação', Manuel Maria Carrilho propõe um diversificado conjunto de reflexões sobre a cultura contemporânea, que vão, entre outros temas, da ecologia à linguagem, da história à política, das justiça aos media. Nelas assume-se uma matriz filosófica que valoriza, por um lado, o modo como as ideias se transformam em articulação com os seus efeitos e, por outro, como elas são solidárias com os contextos históricos.
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    Identity, Equality, Nameability and Completeness.María Manzano & Manuel Crescencio Moreno - 2017 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 46 (3/4).
    This article is an extended promenade strolling along the winding roads of identity, equality, nameability and completeness, looking for places where they converge. We have distinguished between identity and equality; the first is a binary relation between objects while the second is a symbolic relation between terms. Owing to the central role the notion of identity plays in logic, you can be interested either in how to define it using other logical concepts or in the opposite scheme. In the first (...)
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    The Role of the Board of Directors in Disseminating Relevant Information on Greenhouse Gases.Jose-Manuel Prado-Lorenzo & Isabel-Maria Garcia-Sanchez - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 97 (3):391 - 424.
    In today's world, the corporate image of the largest companies is closely linked to their performance in the field of corporate social responsibility and the disclosure of information on that topic, specifically, on climate change. Since the Board of Directors is the body responsible for this process, the aim of this article is to show the role that companies' Boards of Directors play in the accountability process vis-à-vis stakeholders in relation to one specific aspect which has enormous significance in environmental (...)
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    Éthique, politique et religion à Épidaure à la fin du IV siècle av. J.-C. IG IV 950.Manuel García Teijeiro & María Teresa Molinos Tejada - 2002 - Kernos 15:235-246.
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  30. Situationism, Moral Improvement, and Moral Responsibility.Maria Waggoner, John M. Doris & Manuel Vargas - 2022 - In Manuel Vargas & John Doris, The Oxford Handbook of Moral Psychology. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press.
    In this chapter, we recount some of the most pressing objections to character scepticism, pointing out their limitations and, when appropriate, incorporating their suggestions. From here, we consider what empirically informed moral improvement might look like by turning to the skill analogy. While the skill analogy provides a realistic rubric for becoming a better person, many of the questions concerning the details of how moral improvement might take place remain unanswered. When developing expertise in domains like chess and morality, a (...)
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    The Effect of Entropy on the Performance of Modified Genetic Algorithm Using Earthquake and Wind Time Series.Manuel Vargas, Guillermo Fuertes, Miguel Alfaro, Gustavo Gatica, Sebastian Gutierrez & María Peralta - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-13.
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    Hybrid Partial Type Theory.María Manzano, Antonia Huertas, Patrick Blackburn, Manuel Martins & Víctor Aranda - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-43.
    In this article we define a logical system called Hybrid Partial Type Theory ( $\mathcal {HPTT}$ ). The system is obtained by combining William Farmer’s partial type theory with a strong form of hybrid logic. William Farmer’s system is a version of Church’s theory of types which allows terms to be non-denoting; hybrid logic is a version of modal logic in which it is possible to name worlds and evaluate expressions with respect to particular worlds. We motivate this combination of (...)
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    Completeness in Equational Hybrid Propositional Type Theory.Maria Manzano, Manuel Martins & Antonia Huertas - 2019 - Studia Logica 107 (6):1159-1198.
    Equational hybrid propositional type theory ) is a combination of propositional type theory, equational logic and hybrid modal logic. The structures used to interpret the language contain a hierarchy of propositional types, an algebra and a Kripke frame. The main result in this paper is the proof of completeness of a calculus specifically defined for this logic. The completeness proof is based on the three proofs Henkin published last century: Completeness in type theory, The completeness of the first-order functional calculus (...)
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    La democracia como proyecto de identidad ética.María Pía Lara & Manuel Cruz - 1992 - Iztapalapa, Mexico: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. Edited by Manuel Cruz.
    La autora nos ubica en las discusiones más recientes de la filosofía política y de la ética. Su objetivo es plantear la posibilidad de encontrar una interrelación entre ambas sin que ello suponga un retorno a las ideas aristotélicas.
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    Quantifiers and Conceptual Existence.María Manzano & Manuel Crescencio Moreno - 2019 - In Michael Robert Matthews, Mario Bunge: A Centenary Festschrift. Springer. pp. 117-138.
    This chapter examines Bunge’s distinction between the logical concept of existence and the ontological one. We introduce a new conceptual existence predicate in an intensional environment that depends on the evaluation world. So that we can investigate restricted areas where the different kinds of concepts might exist. We hope this new predicate would encompass Bunge’s philosophical position which he designates as conceptualist and fictional materialism. The basic hybridization acts as a bridge between intensions and extensions because @ works as a (...)
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    Chaos, Fractals, and Our Concept of Disease.Manuel Varela, Raul Ruiz-Esteban & Maria Jose Mestre De Juan - 2010 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 53 (4):584-595.
    The concept of disease is deeply rooted in medical practice, and one can hardly conceive of caring for patients without this tool. Nevertheless, under this seemingly uncontroversial idea there are some highly polemical axioms that we usually take for granted, even though they often lead us to some uncomfortable inconsistencies and contradictions. Some of the conceptual issues derived from our traditional view of disease, which condition the way we conceive and practice medicine, include:We conceive of disease as a real entity (...)
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  37. Los nuevos carismas eclesiales, generadores de cultura.Manuel Maria Bru - 2001 - Verdad y Vida 59 (231):309-316.
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    Editor's Introduction.Manuel Maria Carrilho - 1995 - Argumentation 9 (3):439-439.
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    Filosofia.Manuel Maria Carrilho - 2001 - [Lisboa]: Quimera.
    Encerrar a Filosofia numa definição de o que é seria uma pretensão inútil e que conduziria a uma visão redutora e cristalizada desta disciplina. Por isso, optou-se aqui antes por uma perspectiva pessoal que ofereça um retrato esclarecedor das linhas de força que balizam este ramo do saber, tão profundamente enraizado no pensamento ocidental. Ao longo da leitura vamos descobrindo que, contra aqueles que várias vezes lhe vaticinaram o fim, a Filosofia manifesta neste início de milénio uma vitalidade rara, que (...)
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    Rhétorique et rationalité : I. Argumentation et rhétorique : philosphie et tradition.Manuel Maria Carrilho - 1995 - Hermes 15:171.
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    Sem retorno.Manuel Maria Carrilho - 2021 - Coimbra: Grácio Editor.
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    Ethical value of incorporating medical student system of hospital quality assurance.José Manuel Toledo Hernández, Elisa María Toledo Güilian, Lidyce Quesada Leiva & Miguel Payón Morell - 2017 - Humanidades Médicas 17 (1):189-200.
    Se realizó una propuesta metodológica en el Hospital Militar Clínico Quirúrgico Docente Doctor Octavio de la Concepción y la Pedraja de Camagüey durante el año 2014 con el objetivo de argumentar el valor ético que tiene para el estudiante de Medicina ser insertado al sistema de garantía de la calidad hospitalaria. Se emplearon métodos de nivel teórico como análisis y síntesis, histórico-lógico, inducción-deducción. La vinculación del estudiante universitario al sistema de garantía de calidad en un centro asistencial docente permite elevar (...)
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  43. S. Van Mierlo: "la Science, La Raison Et La Foi".Manuel María Salcedo & Staff - 1955 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 14 (53/54):414.
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  44. The Teilhard de Chardin unpublished letters to Edouard Le Roy: approach for understanding the conflict between Science, Philosophy and Theology.Leandro Sequeiros, Manuel Medina Casado, Maria Jose Medina de la Fuente & Francois Euve - 2009 - Pensamiento 65 (246):1077-1098.
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    Creative Arts and Experiences in Palliative Care.Maria José dos Santos Cunha & Manuel Luís Capelas - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):87-102.
    In this article, we present a work developed with palliative patients with the aim of, through art, enabling them to find answers that would help them overcome situations that kept them involved in thoughts, fears, and anxiety that consumed their energy, joy, and will to live. For this purpose, we used a qualitative methodology —research-action— and the attained results revealed how arts can be useful to these patients by providing them, through the work they have developed, with an improvement in (...)
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    Pupil dilation reflects covert familiar face recognition under interocular suppression.Manuel Alejandro Mejía, Mitchell Valdés-Sosa & Maria Antonieta Bobes - 2024 - Consciousness and Cognition 123 (C):103726.
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    Intelligible design: a realistic approach to the philosophy and history of science.Julio Antonio Gonzalo & Manuel María Carreira (eds.) - 2013 - New Jersey: World Scientific.
    1. Modern science in historical perspective -- On the origins of modern science -- The post-Renaissance revolution : the New Science -- Frank Sherwood Taylor : the man who was converted by Galileo -- The limits of science -- Proofs and demonstrations -- On the intelligibility of Quantum Mechanics -- Uncertainty, incompleteness, chance, and design -- A Finite, Open and Contingent Universe -- 2. On the origin and development of life -- A brief history of evolutionary thought -- Life's intelligible (...)
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    Identity, equality, nameability and completeness. Part II.María Manzano & Manuel Crescencio Moreno - 2018 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 47 (3):141.
    This article is a continuation of our promenade along the winding roads of identity, equality, nameability and completeness. We continue looking for a place where all these concepts converge. We assume that identity is a binary relation between objects while equality is a symbolic relation between terms. Identity plays a central role in logic and we have looked at it from two different points of view. In one case, identity is a notion which has to be defined and, in the (...)
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  49. Informaciones.José Manuel Sánchez Ron, Reyes Mate, José María Mardones, Fernando Quesada & Lorenzo Peña - 1993 - Isegoría 8:228-232.
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    Do Discrimination and Segregation Subsist in Pay Policies?: The Evidence from Portugal.Carlos Manuel Coelho Duarte, José P. Esperança, José D. Curto & Maria C. Santos - 2008 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 19:23-34.
    This paper analyses the gender pay determinants between top and lower level of Portuguese employees. A relatively large data pool, for 2003, covering business functions hitherto neglected, sheds a new light into the factors that lead to the earnings of men and women. Our analysis combines human capital with internal-labour-markets theories. Our findings allow the identification of jobsegregation as one important source of the gender pay gap. Moreover, they confirm that earnings are determined by different factors and suggest a reasonable (...)
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